Thursday, April 20, 2006

JOhnahtan & Shawn had checkups at the doctor yesterday. THey both got 3 'needels' each. Not fun for any of us.
First Johnathan: He is doing great, the doctor gave me info and a refferal for Child Find for his speech. He weighs 39 lbs and is 3ft 7in. He was a brave boy and did better than I would have getting 3 shots in the legs. He even helped Shawn telling him "It only hurts a little be a brave boy" he's so good with him. I took him to Walmart after where he suprised me again by passing the trains to get a new MONSTER truck. Last night the legs hurt and he could not do 'some' things because of the 'needles', what can I say he is his Momma's boy.....

Shawn is up to 10lbs but still 21 inches. He's a little slow on the growing. His eating is under control with the Zantac and the doc said he may outgrow it when he starts on the solids. He's doing great with development, SMILES are starting to appear when he sees us. The best thing is he SLEEPS through the night. He's such a good boy.

The day was not as bad as I thought it was going to be and Johnathn does not need anymore shots until he is 10. Now I am waiting to see how long he keeps the bandaids on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey I didn't know you can leave a comment if you are not a blogger! yeah! Congrats on handling the shots mom. I had a feeling this was going to be harder for you than them!