Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Letter 'P' week
Johanthan went to Preschool today in
his Pajammies and ate Pepperoni Pizza and had Punch.
I left Shawn in his Pajammies too.

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Lookin' cute in his hat. Laughing at his silly brother
making faces at him. Posted by Picasa
a MOON in the mirror.....it also seems that someone was makinmg foot ball plays
on my mirror, the things that show up with the light of a flash. Posted by Picasa
Out in the snow Sunday night.....
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Monday, January 22, 2007

I'm getting a snowball thrown at me.....I took the boys out in the maybe an inch of snow
and they had fun. Johnahthan made a snow angel and threw snowballs
at me and Shawn. Shawn crawled around in the snow and lasted about 15 minutes.

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What a difference a week makes....
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Catching snowflakes on his tounge. He loves SNOW,
He was in the window all day Sunday watching it fall.

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Shawn outside when it started snowing. He had some fun.

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Rosey cheeck and Hat hair from being outside.
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Playing with Dada.
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Johnathan and Oliver.... Posted by Picasa
Momma left the cabinet open....at least it was the baking cabinet with the Yummy
chocolate chips.
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Breakfast time....Johnahtan has started eating cereal, it's a big
deal...he's been eating yogurt for over a year not wanting anything else(well except
for Dada making eggs on the weekend). It started when Bill would get him lucky charms when we drop Dada off at work on our trips. So I now but Lucky Charms.

And Shawn is in LOVE with Cheerioios. YUMMY :0p Posted by Picasa
Up a tree with Dada...playing on a warm sunny Sunday afternoon Posted by Picasa
Going to get "braber"

Got him.....  Posted by Picasa
Playing outside last Sunday
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