Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Chick the bear by Johnathan.
The next 7 pictures were taken by Johnahtan over the weekend. He was using the old digital camera and having fun with it. It took a lot of good shots. Posted by Picasa
Johnathan by Johnathan. Posted by Picasa
Momma. by JBH Posted by Picasa
Dada. by JBH Posted by Picasa
Oliver. By Johnathan Posted by Picasa
Trucks. Taken by Johanthan Posted by Picasa
Aunt Beth taken by Johnathan.
(sorry Beth I love this pic!) Posted by Picasa
Shawn taken by Johnathan Posted by Picasa
Silly! Posted by Picasa
A good picture of Johnathan. Posted by Picasa
First "ride" in a BOX. They are
Sailing! Posted by Picasa
I told him I was going to ship him back if he did
not stop with all the crying! Posted by Picasa
Shawn is not crawling, can't sit for long periods by hisself,
BUT can STAND holding on to something
and move around it! We are in trouble! Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 28, 2006

Momma's sweet boy, with his baer chick and his new hair cut.
 Posted by Picasa
Lookin SILLY. Posted by Picasa
Johanthan asleep witht he stick in his mouth from is Ninja turtles
ice cream. Posted by Picasa
We had a pretty messy night at the dinner table.
Shawn made a mess with his peach cobbler.
(is that hair gel in your hair?) Posted by Picasa
Johnahtan had Pasgetti and meatyballs.
His FAVORITE! Posted by Picasa
Dada and Shawn. Posted by Picasa
The boys having fun...Naked Baby time! Posted by Picasa
Johnathan has been pushing this truck anound the house for 2 weeks. I am amazed by his LONG legs. Posted by Picasa
70's style...Shawn in one of DADA's old baby outfits. Posted by Picasa
Shawn eating a wagon wheel....He's got two
teeth now, both bottom fronts are in. Posted by Picasa
Drool and Chocolate do mix. Dada gave Shawn a taste of his candy bar.
His eye's sure did get BIG! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 06, 2006

We went to the Redskins/Ravens scrimage on Saturday,
everyone had a great time. The start of a GREAT season?
We hope so...... Posted by Picasa